I learned the art of Pine Needle Coiling from an 85 year old woman, a pioneer of south west Florida.
For the last 20 years I have enjoyed making basket, and jewelry from pine needles. I love teaching others the old forgotten art of Coiling. I have taught at galleries, schools, social events, colleges, and one on one. My work has been displayed at Berry College, Art Center of Florida, Asheville welcome center and currently in Blairsville.
I sell and teach from my shop "PINE NEEDLES AND THINGS " In Brasstown, Married 34 years, and have 5 children, 16 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. My husband and I have been a lot g time resident of Murphy. We now live in a tiny house with 2 cats a dog, and a few chickens in the yard. I am happy and I am truly blessed.